
Countdown to Grand Opening Giveaway #1!


With all my culinary passion I thank you for stopping by!  Our grand opening is Saturday, 15 October 2011 at 8:00a.m. and you may start placing orders for Saturday delivery today!  Please browse around and familiarize yourself with menu options, and hours of operation

As 5 Loaves and 2 Fish grows, you will see more palette-teasing choices  become available in order to tastefully supply your sweet & savory demands!  Please utilize the comment space or email us at,, for your feedback, questions, and/or suggestions!

Now, for our 1st giveaway...2 Dozen Assorted Cookies!


To enter, leave a comment here or on our Fan Page and tell us about the "best cookie you ever had," and/or follow this blog, and/or "like" the Fan Page!  You must do one or all of the above by 7:00p.m. eastern time, 11 October 2011, to be placed in the drawing.  Also keep in mind that you do not have to be in North Carolina to enter; these cookies pack & ship well and will be delivered to you on Saturday, 15 October 2011!

Winner will be announced on Tuesday, 12 October 2011!


  1. The best cookie I ever had are the fabulous crispy, yet chewy, party-in-your-mouth, oatmeal raisin cookies that my mother makes. Everyone in my family gets their own stash on their birthday. We don't care what other gift she gives, but those oatmeal cookies have to be one. LOL

  2. Hmmm the best cookie I ever had was an oatmeal raspberry chewy warm and soft from a small bakery I loved in CT.
